
High Seas Title Screen
  • JavaScript HTML CSS
  • SocketIO NodeJs
  • 831Poker is an online login-less easily usable Texas Hold'Em poker website where users can play online and chat with friends in customizable games of Texas Hold'Em. Developed in late 2020 and early 2021, 831Poker was born out of the desire of myself and my friends to have a quick and easy online site where we could play Texas Hold'Em. Written in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, this website implements the NodeJS and Express frameworks, and the SocketIO library to allow user to user interaction and real time gameplay.

    A Background image for the portfolio work description

    Designed by Severin Field, Kellen Sabhlok, myself, and with graphic design done by Nik Milchevski, this project was a team effort built through gitHub with each member contributing work along different parts of the development cycle.

    831Poker Currently hosted on HerokuApp Concept Artwork Concept Artwork