Hello, I am Thomas Trenholme

Full-Stack Developer

Big T on da Beach

My Skills

Frontend Development

With a strong background in ReactJs, Typescript, HTML, and CSS, I possess the expertise to create visually stunning and intuitive websites. My passion for frontend development stems from the opportunity it provides to craft captivating web pages and applications that make users want to continually return. By blending aesthetics and functionality, I strive to deliver UIs that are both visually appealing, performant, and easy to use.

Backend Development

I have experience in many serverside languages including Java, C#, Python, and C++. I can enjoy both developing new features and working within legacy systems to create code that follows the principals of OOP. Building manageable, reusable, and peformant code that I can be proud of makes me happy and drives me to seek to continually attempt to become a better engineer. I appreciate working in a group alongside other developers and pride myself on communication with my teammates.

My Work

Who I am:

Full-Stack Developer and Designer out of Santa Cruz CA.

I am a developer based out of Santa Cruz, CA and San Diego, CA. I have been interested in programming and computers for as long as I can recall, and I built my first desktop PC in 2013. Currently, I am a fullstack product software engineer at Flock Freight, continually working on new and technically challenging projects as demands of the company pivot. Some hobbies of mine include playing beach volleyball, pickup basketball, water polo, ocean swimming, lifting weights, and reading.

During 2021, I finished my first big web project, 831Poker, and started my first software engineering internship at Stack Sports. In 2022, I started my first full time position as a fullstack developer at Flock Freight. I am excited to continue to grow as an engineer, both technically and interpersonally, and I enjoy facing each day with the mindset of wanting to learn.


My Work

My resume

A collection of some of my personal projects.

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